Etched Mirror

A quick way to add your own touch to a store bought mirror, or a mirror already intalled in your home is to add a custom etched design or word.

Step One: Cut out letters.

Find a front and size of letter or design you like on your computer. Print out and cut  apart the letter/ design,
leaving a narrow border.

Step Two: Color the back of each letter.

Tape all the letters together and color in with pencil.

Step Three: Press contact paper to mirror.
Cut a piece of contact paper to cover the mirror, smooth out all wrinkles.

Step Four: Trace around each letter.

Position the taped-together letters ont contact paper where desired. Trace around each letters with a pencil, to transfer the design. Remover paper pattern.

Step Five: Cut out letters.

Cut out the letters using a crafts knife. Be careful not to cut into the background, only the letters.

Step Six: Peel off the letters

Step Seven: Apply etching cream.

Using rubber gloves, apply the etching cream with a small foam brush. Follow manufacturer's instructions.

Step Eight: Rinse the etching cream.

Using your rubber gloves again, fill a small bucket with water. Using a dampned sponge begin to wipe of the etching cream. Continue untill none of etching cream is visible.

Step Nine: Remove remaining contact paper.

Peel away the rest of the remaing contact paper.